(Some) Discomfort Creates Growth

It seems that people who live in a place with exposure to natural disasters tend to be more resilient. Perhaps being confronted with the dangers and raw power of nature does something to our psyche.

I can imagine that when faced with such awe and terror, one is given a powerful context. Your efforts and existence are contextualised against the sheer strength of a natural force.

Just like when you are struck by the beauty of a mountainside, the depths of the ocean, and the tranquility of a lake; I can imagine that you are made more humble.

And perhaps it is this form of humility that leads some of us to also be more driven. Through humility, you find a drive to improve yourself and the world. Through coming face to face with danger, you are more self-aware.

Combined, perhaps we are then made more resilient, and more eager to put ourselves out there in the world.

How to Face Discomfort

While we may not be able to so easily decide where we live, we can at least decide to improve our approach to life.

When put in a new environment, it's helpful to ward off the discomfort with this axiom: Tell yourself that some growth comes from facing a level of difficulty. This could combat the gut feelings and anxieties that handicap us.

Not all discomfort is good, and you should listen to your gut if it warns you away. But sometimes, we do know what is good for us. In that case, we can choose to face the fear. We can choose to overcome it too.